8 min read

Building a High-Performance Website - Next.js, Notion and Automated Workflows

Next.js Notion Firebase Netlify Make.com

The Power Stack

Our architecture leverages these best-in-class tools:

Content Management with Notion

Notion acts as our content hub, offering:

Smart Image Handling

Our image pipeline maximizes performance:

  1. Images upload to Firebase Storage
  2. Public URLs store in Notion database
  3. Next.js pulls URLs during build
  4. Firebase CDN delivers optimized images
  5. Result: Lightning-fast image loading

Automated Deployments

Our CI/CD pipeline through GitHub and Netlify ensures smooth deployments:

  1. Code pushes trigger automated builds
  2. Pull requests generate preview deployments
  3. Main branch merges deploy to production
  4. Zero-downtime updates
  5. Instant rollback capability

Content Updates That Scale

When content changes in Notion:

  1. Make.com detects the update
  2. Triggers our Next.js revalidation endpoint
  3. Next.js rebuilds only changed pages
  4. Netlify serves fresh content
  5. Users get instant updates

Dynamic Features

Our quote request system showcases dynamic capabilities:

  1. React form captures user data
  2. Next.js API routes process submissions
  3. Nodemailer sends branded HTML emails
  4. Real-time feedback keeps users informed

Why This Architecture Wins

The Results

This architecture delivers:

Looking Forward

This stack sets a foundation for future growth:

Modern web development demands smart architecture choices. This combination of Next.js, Notion, and automated workflows creates a powerful, maintainable, and user-friendly system that's ready for scale.